Friday, August 31, 2012

The Grooviest Covers of All Time: Steranko's X-Men

Jim Steranko. Covers for The X-Men issues 49-51 (July-September, 1968). You need know nothing else to savor the following masterpieces...

Oh, and tell your eyes Ol' Groove said, "You're welcome."

 Thanks goodness for the GCD and it's collection of covers!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Boys from Derby: "Dawn at Stonehenge" by Himes and Zeck

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Yers trooly has excavated another excellent Mike Zeck-illoed tale from the Groovy Graveyard and I think you're gonna dig it! "Dawn at Stonehenge" was written by Tom Himes and was originally published in Monster Hunters #6 (July 1976). Check it out!

Thanx to Mr. BC for the sensational scans!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Black and White Wednesday: "Buffaloed" by Herndon and Severin

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Here's another classic from the Crypt of Cool--"Buffaloed" by Larry Herndon and John Severin. If ya wanna ready a copy of this terror tale in pulp-ish person you'll have to track down a copy of Creepy #62 (cover-dated May 1974). Til then...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Making a Splash: "Madbomb"--Jack Kirby's Return to Captain America and Marvel

Today, of course, is the late, great Jack "King" Kirby's birthday. I thought a cool way to celebrate would be to share the sizzling splashes that spearheaded Jack's 1975 return to Marvel Comics and Captain America: the mighty "Madbomb" saga from Captain America #'s 193-200 (October 1975-May 1976). Captain America's mag reached ish #200, the good ol' U.S. of A. turned 200, and The King's wild and wacky sci-fi/action thriller made Young Groove's head spin around (Linda Blair style, no less!) at least 200 times! Remember these...?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Groove's Faves: "Death Strikes at Midnight and Three" by O'Neil and Rogers

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Yesterday was Ol' Groove's birthday (number 49--shudder!), so today I thought we'd celebrate with one of the coolest-ever, most far-out, and original Batman tales to ever see print: Denny O'Neil and Marshall Rogers' "Death Strikes at Midnight and Three" from the 1978 Batman Spectacular (aka DC Special Series #15 (Summer 1978). This experiment in illustrated prose was like nothing I'd ever seen in a comicbook, and the fact that two of my all-time fave Bat-creators collaborated on it was the icing on the cake. I still get a thrill when I read that title. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Since I wrote this post (I write 'em early, y'know), my son and daughter-in-law gave me the best birthday gift yet--a sweet, tiny granddaughter (born August 24)! Yeah, Ol' Groove is proud and happy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Making a Splash: When John Romita Drew the Fantastic Four

It could have been the end for Marvel Comics. Jack Kirby had left The House of Ideas for their biggest rival (DC, duh!). The co-creator of Marvel's greatest characters--first and foremost the Fantastic Four--had left the building. But somehow, Merry Marvel marched on.

Now, Li'l Groove was just seven or so when all this went down, so I didn't know a thing about it. I just knew that I liked the FF and really dug Sub-Mariner (I was digging his cartoons on WXIX-TV out of Cincy at the time), so I traded one'a my second grade pals some coverless Superman's and a copy of Amazing Adventures #3 (I had doubles) for issues 102-104 of the FF. I did notice something different about the art between 102 and 103, but didn't know enough to figure out what was going on. Now if I'd been eight when this went down, then Li'l Groove would'a been in the know...

What was the difference? Aw, you already know! With FF #103, Jazzy Johnny Romita took over the art chores of the World's Greatest Comic Magazine. For four short issues, the Jazzy One tried to recreate the magic he'd made when he followed in Spidey co-creator Steve Ditko's footsteps. Now, Ol' Groove still doesn't know what happened sales-wise with FF numbers 103-106 (July-October 1970) do know that I dug 'em way back then. These sensational splashes should give ya an idea why!