Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Black and White Wednesday: "The Deadliest Enemy of Gotham City!" by O'Neil and Robbins

Dig it, Groove-ophiles! Ol' Groove doesn't know how he missed this gem when it hit the Interwebs back in 2016, but here ya go! While scrounging for some cool original art to share in future posts, yers trooly ran across some original Frank Robbins Batman art--from an unpublished story! Lucky Paul Handler actually owns the original pages to the whole story and was kind enough to share the pages on his Comicartfans page...which you can check out here. (I hope you're okay with my posting those pages here, Paul--hopefully we'll drives some traffic to your pages.) According to Paul, "The Deadliest Enemy of Gotham City!" (written by Denny O'Neil) was to have been part of a special anti-drug book DC was putting together with an unnamed agency back in 1974. The plan fell through, and the book, as far as we know, was never completed, but the Robbins Batman pages were. Check it out!