Friday, December 18, 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, 2020

  Like the title says, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Groove-ophiles! 2020 has been some year, but we've made it to the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, so let's celebrate! And how better to celebrate here in Groove City than to look back at the wonderfulness of yesteryear? Remember Ivan Schnieder (Heroes World founder) and his wonderous Superhero Catalogues? If you're like Ol' Groove, you ordered the daylights out of them in the late 1970s. I found this particular version wandering around on the interwebs, and, although most of it's from the Spring of 1978 ish, it still captures the spirit of "gimme that" we all felt back then--and it served as a "wishbook" for those of us who were too young to make our own bread! Trek back through memory lane via the art of the Kubert School students (and future artistic stars) of the day. What did you get? What do you still have? What do you still need? Rap about it in the comments below!

 Oh, and if you'll forgive one more plug for my own modern-retro mags--for all you fans of digital comix, all of my Blue Moon Comics titles are on sale for ninety-nine cents each over on DriveThruComics. Please check it out!

And here's your annual look at what Ol' Groove got--or in the case of today's post--what Ol' Groove's getting (that he knows of)!

Remember the reason for the season, Groove-ophiles. Love each other and be kind--every day. Ho, ho, ho!

Friday, December 11, 2020

R.I.P. Richard Corben

 There was no  artist like Richard Corben, who passed December 2. While much of his output was too "mature" for Young Groove back in the Groovy Age, I have always admired his singular, savagely spectacular style. And THAT Meatloaf album cover.

Corben colors Eisner

Ken Kelly fooling Ol' Groove into thinking he was Corben! (Thanks Anonymous Groove-ophile!)

And then there was the time I was lucky enough to have a story published in an issue of The Creeps that Mr. Corben did the cover art for!

 Fly high, Rich Corben! And thank you for the adventures, shivers, and memories!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ol' Groove's Still Making Comics With a Groovy (and Golden) Age Vibe!

Happy Holidays, Groove-ophiles!

Ol' Groove is happier than an elf with a brand-new set of toymaking tools! Why? 'Cause...

Diversions #3 is finally available in print and digital from IndyPlanet and in digital format from DriveThru Comics! The issue kicks off with the conclusion of an exciting NIGHT SPIDER mystery/adventure that has him fighting the diabolical duo of Megabyte and Googol! The art is, naturally, by JW Erwin (who also rocked the fab-a-mundo cover)!

In the middle of this mildly magnificent issue is a faux Golden Age adventure featuring THE BLACK ROSE! Our heroine must clear her name of a murder most foul in the David Vance illustrated Blue Moon Classic!

Batting clean-up is THE MIDNIGHT STRANGER! The Wraith of Wrath is back in action in a brand new tale of rigorous revenge! And best of all, artist Joe Koziarski is back for this one!

If you've never checked out an issue of Diversions, now would be a great time! Three issues are ready and raring to find your mailbox (and buying more books means savings on postage)! And if you have bought copies of Diversions, THANK YOU! Oh, and, ahem, they make superior stocking stuffers!

Hope you enjoyed this preview of my latest comic, Groove-ophiles! I'd love to hear from some of ya about what you think about what the Blue Moon gang and yers trooly are doing. It would send me over the (blue) moon if I could get enough feedback to start a liltin' letters page in Diversions

See ya next time with more stuff from the Good Ol' Groovy Age Days!