Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Black and White Wednesday: "The Last Super Hero" by Cary Bates and Carmine Infantino

Here's one that comes right out of left field and knocks you upside your head, baby! From Creepy #83 (from the summer of 1976) of all places, here's a "grim and gritty" and "deconstructionist" look at superheroes that's waaay ahead of its time--and from the guys who gave us so many stories featuring Superman, Batman, and the Flash, yet! Here's "The Last Super Hero!" by Cary Bates and Carmine Infantino! Eat your hearts out, Frank, Alan, and Grant!


  1. NEVER seen this one! Bates has always been under-rated and this is probably the best post DC art from Carmine that I've ever seen.

  2. Glad you dug it, Booksteve--even more glad I was able to find something new for ya!
