Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Black and White Wednesday: Tim Conrad's "A Vision of Venus"

Tim A. Conrad is one of those artists who never produced enough work to satisfy Ol' Groove. I really dig Conrad's early style, which combined the styles of his contemporaries Barry (Windsor) Smith, Bernie Wrightson, Mike Kaluta, with masters like Frank Frazetta, Joe Shuster, and classic pen-and-ink "slick" magazine artists of the 30s/40s into a retro-modern style. His art was perfect on strips like Conan, Bran Mak Morn, and Almuric. TAC created his niche of drawing pulp-heroes beginning with this, his first published story in which he adapted pulp-author Otis Adelbert Kline's tribute to Edgar Rice Burroughs' interplanetary romance novels, "A Vision of Venus". Here it is, from Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #4 (May 1975)!

Author Otis Adelbert Kline was a pretty interesting fellow, I might add. Here's the article on "A Vision of Venus" author OAK written by comicbook writer/interviewer/editor/publisher David Anthony Kraft from the same issue of UWoSF. Take it away, DAK!

1 comment:

  1. Tim has some vintage pages available in face book where he is listed as Tim Conrad artist.
