Monday, January 25, 2010

Bring On the Back-ups: The Human Target Takes On "The Short-Walk-To-Disaster Contract!"

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Christopher Chance, aka The Human Target is back on the boob-tube (Fox Wednesdays as of this writing), so Ol' Groove thought this would be a good time to take a look back at the Groovy Age comicbook version of the legendary back-up-series-turned-TV-drama. Today's two-fer Tuesday extravaganza is from Action Comics #'s 425-426 (April-May 1973), and it's a doozy. Written by creator Len Wein, natch, this two parter features the artistic talents of Neal Adams (pencils on part one) and Dick Giordano (pencils on part 2, inks on both parts). It's high-wire circus suspense as our hero takes on "The Short-Walk-To-Disaster Contract!"

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