Friday, May 20, 2011

Grooviest Covers of All Time: Gil Kane's Groovy Age Green Lantern

DC has this character you might've heard of called Green Lantern. Seems there's some buzz around him right now 'cause they're making a live-action flick about him or somethin'. People seem to think he's cool now! Well, Groove-ophiles, we've always known that GL was cool, and one'a the dudes who made him that was is none other than co-creator Gil Kane. Kane was always a master cover-artist, and the following cover-shots should leave zero questions about his coolness factor. Or GL's, either, for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. How I always loved the artwork and professionalism of Gil Kane. Even in his later years, Kane never lost the knack for composition and body language.

    Thanks for the tribute!
