Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Boys from Derby: "Family Re-Union" by Gill and Milgrom

Al Milgrom is best remembered for drawing Captain Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel, co-creating Firestorm with Gerry Conway for DC, editing for both Marvel and DC (especially Batman Family and Marvel Fanfare), and inking a ton of Jim Starlin's early work. Al's an accomplished writer, artist, inker, and editor whose done some great work over the last 30+ years. All of that is pretty much common knowledge, right? But raise your hand if you knew that Al's first color interior job appeared in a Charlton comic? Tis true! "Family Re-Union" (from The Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves #47, July 1974) written by Joe Gill (under the tongue-in-cheek "Jim Beam" moniker) was Amiable Al's first pro-interior job to see print. To make things even more interesting, it's also Al's only pro-interior color job for Charlton! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was a suprise. I had no idea that Milgrom got started with Charlton.
