Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Black and White Wednesday: "The Boob Rube Story" by Schwartzberg and Severin and "The Moe Jamouth Story" by Wolfman, Severin, and Trimpe

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! It's that magical time of the year when baseball is winding down and football is gearing up--fall! What a coincidence, then, that Ol' Groove has dug into the Files of the Forgotten to find this two-part ha-ha-fest from Crazy #4 (March1974) featuring the all-time most famous Boy of Summer, Babe Ruth and the original quarterback celebrity, himself, "Broadway" Joe Namath. The point of this two-part biopic parody is to show how the movies used to treat their subjects with near-reverence compared to the dig-up-all the dirt approach that went on during the Seventies (and still goes on today, natch!). Whether you accept Stu Schwartzberg and Marv Wolfman's premise, appreciate their humor, or don't--ya have to love the Marie Severin (backed by Herb Trimpe on the "Moe Jaymouth Story") art!

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