Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bring On the Back-ups: "Joyride Into Jeopardy!" by Edelman, Anderson, and McLeod

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Once EIC Jim Shooter got Marvel's mags running like clockwork, there was no longer any need for the 5 page back-ups Archie Goodwin had commissioned. The Dread Deadline Doom had been defeated. But Marvel never wasted during the Groovy Age, not even a measly five page filler. Of course, when the measly five page filler features talents like Scott Edelman, Brent Anderson, Bob McLeod, Glynis Wein, and Gaspar Saladino--not to mention featuring X-Men mainstay Warren Worthington III--aka the high-flying Angel--who would waste it? "Joyride Into Jeopardy!" finally found a home in Marvel Treasury Edition #27 (Spring 1979). Dig it, baby!


  1. Wow, I'd never seen this before - it's a wonderfully drawn story.

  2. Never seen and fascinating.Thank a lot !
