Monday, March 16, 2015

Micronauts Mondays: "A Hunting We Will Go!" by Mantlo, Golden, and Rubinstein

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! We're gonna kick off this week with another Bill Mantlo/Michael Golden/Joe Rubinstein Micronauts masterpiece! Dig the short spotlight on Bug, Golden's own creation, don'tcha know! From Micronauts #4 (January 1979), grab your hat and rifle, 'cause "A Hunting We Will Go!"

And hey, if you dig the toys comics like Micronauts (and ROM, and many more) were based on, check out this brain-blasting blog specializing in new and classic collectibles: The Toy Box! It's got everything, baby!


  1. Oh, man, beautiful. I've got to pull these out and re-read them some time soon...

  2. I never get tired of looking at the great Golden/Rubinstein art teamup. Too bad it only lasted for 8 issues (did they do any Batman or Demon stories together?).
