Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ol' Groove's Request Line: "Grudge", "Play War", and "Quick Trip" by George Baker and Fred Rhoads (?)

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! For several months, a certain anonymous Groove-ophile has been banging the drum in an effort to get Ol' Groove to post some Sad Sack stories. Problem was, I was having trouble tracking down comics/scans, but Santa Claus came through with some Groovy Age Sad Sack scans! So, here for all to enjoy, are a featurette and two one-pagers from Harvey Comics' Sad Sack #200, plus the cover! According to Grand Comics Database, the cover and stories are by Sad Sack's creator, George Baker, but Ol' Groove is pretty sure the interior art (not sure about the writing, but according to this article from The Comics Journal, it's most likely Baker) is by Fred Rhoads, who drew the comic (and helped create several of the supporting characters) from 1954 to 1977 according to this article from the L.A. Times. The cover art and interior art styles are certainly very different. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone out there will correct me! (Please be kind!) Anyhoo, enjoy "Grudge", "Play War", and "Quick Trip" from April, 1968!


  1. I think your headline has confused George (Sad Sack) Baker
    with his brother (;p) Matt (Phantom Lady) Baker.

    1. D'oh! Thanks, D.D. Now I need to run a Golden Age Phantom Lady with the wrong name in the headline...sigh...

  2. Replies
    1. Them's fightin' words LOL!

    2. Actually, Fred Rhoads DID assist Mort Walker on Beetle Bailey during the strip's early years, Also Sack PREDATES Beetle by several years, Sack introduced during WW2 While Beetle didn't come along until the Korean War, and even then started off as a COLLEGE themed strip, so in actuality, Bailey , though more well known, is the "wannabe". It was also my understanding that though Baker did do the covers, Rhoads wrote his own material. The Main SACK artists,Rhoads and O'Brian, used very different styles of storytelling. O'Brian was basic sitcom,s;apstick, while Rhoads had a more "adult" edge to his work. Who else could get away with a vomit joke in a HARVEY comic?

    3. Howdy, that's a highly informative reply. Is there a book or something on the Sack out there worth reading, about the creators / publishers? Thanks, Joe

  3. Hello Groove! Sing the praises: LO! There shall be Sad Sack on DOTGK!!! THANKS!!! True story: I was digging through my Sad Sacks on Thanksgiving and gave some to my 13 year old nephew, including the one above! Christmas time he's back at my house asking for more! He wants to know where he can go to buy new ones when they come out.... Poor kid. Fortunately Uncle Joe has a stash... Thanks again! You've made Charlie Horse's year with "How Green is my Marvel" and "How Sad is my Sack!" (Anyone up for Hot Stuff??? Let's be serious... Harvey had its own spinner rack at my news agency, growing up, while Marvel, DC, etc. had to share (!) the other spinner.) Have a great 2016!

    1. Glad I was finally able to come through for ya! I have more coming, so this won't be the last time Sad Sack appears on the Diversions. I've run a few Hot Stuff and Richie Rich (amd maybe Spooky? I'll have to check). I'll probably run more. And maybe Stumbo. I always had a soft spot for that gentle giant...

    2. Hi Groove! Harvey... go figure... they really had a ton of product and though I did not necessarily seek it out every month it always had a certain charm and appeal, esp. Hot Stuff, Richie Rich, and Sad Sack. I mean, it always gave me the "warm and fuzzy." Even reading 200 above. That the Sack ends up jumping off the tower of Pisa... Fantastic! Geeze, I think each of those three had like 5 - 10 monthly titles being cranked out. Thanks again. You made my day! Charlie Horse 47

  4. Sad Sack was a favorite of mine growing up. I believe I had this book although the cover was cut in half. Remember those? I had a few like that I wish I kept. I'm surprised they never made a tv cartoon of Sad Sack. Thanks for the great posts.
