Monday, February 15, 2016

The Boys from Derby: "The Vanishing Wreck" by Gill and Himes

Dig it, Groove-ophiles! Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and since we don't post on Sunday (anymore) we'll make up for missing Valentine's Day today with a short-shocker from Haunted Love #6 (July 1974). Now, we can make up for missing Valentine's Day here in Groove City--but if you missed it, you might not have a ghost of a chance to make up with your sweetheart...unless you share a haunting tale of LUV with her... like..."The Vanishing Wreck" by Joe Gill and Fred Himes...

(Who sez Ol' Groove can't play Cupid in a clutch?)

1 comment:

  1. You did a fine job as Cupid! Great choice -- I dig the Himes art. Simple but effective. Is it just me or does it seem like most of the Haunted Love issues feature some sort of water-based story. Perhaps it can be chalked up to where Charlton was located?
