Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Black and White Wednesday: "Death Is My Co-Star!" by Mantlo, Perez, and Abel

Check it out, Groove-ophiles! Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #13 (May 1975) featured a solo-Sons of the Tiger outing for movie-star Tiger, Bob Diamond. Bill Mantlo's story focuses (I didn't do that on purpose) on Diamond's movie career with a gritty (sometimes gruesome), street-level mystery. Also of note are Jack Abel's inks over George Perez's pencils. Abel does some cool things with blacks and grays here. Oh, yeah, Lotus returns, too!


  1. Great post but...pages 46 and 47(3rd and 4th thumbnails) are reversed!

    1. Fixed it. Blogger is really wonky on dragging and then cloning pics instead of just plain ol dragging them these days...

  2. I love looking at early Perez (I was there the first time around!). His enthusiasm really leaps off the page.
