Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Black and White Wednesday: "The Mummy's Victory" by McKenzie and Corben

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Football! Horror! Mummies! They go together like...well...okay, so they usually don't go together! Good thing Roger McKenzie and Rich Corben didn't know that when they produced "The Mummy's Victory" for Creepy #84 (September 1976)! Dig it, baby!


  1. I'm a big Corben fan! Creepy and funny at the same time.
    I get to see his work too rarely.

  2. This was a fun tale where the mummy is the hero instead of the menace.

  3. My fellow Kansas Citian Rich Corben delighted with his airbrushed art in Warren. He and Doug Moench, pre-Marvel, turned out some good tales for the publisher. This effort by Roger McKenzie was great.
