Monday, December 26, 2016

Marvel-ous Mondays: "Where Stalks the Sentry!" by Thomas, Colan, and Reinman

Happy Holidays, Groove-ophiles! Hope you had one of the best weekends e-vah! It's Monday again, and this one is three times as Marvel-ous 'cause it's time  Marvel's Captain Marvel from Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (December 1967)! For the second appearance of Mar-Vell, Stan the Man turned the writing reins over to Roy Thomas who immediately gave our Space-Born Super-Hero a bit more of a direction, a superior weapon (the awesome Uni-Beam, baby!), and a short-lived secret identity (Walter Lawson). Oh, yeah, and they introduced a lady named Carol Danvers who would eventually become someone pretty important in her own right (make that a few somebodies: Ms. Marvel in the swingin' 70s, Binary in the elegant 80s, and will soon be the MU Captain Marvel who makes it to the Silver Screen first)! With art by Gene Colan and Paul Reinman join us as we learn..."Where Stalks the Sentry!"


  1. One of my favorite stories ever. Thanks for posting it. I've been taking a close look at the early Mar-Vell years and this is a very pleasant surprise. Love the artwork even if Roy's attempts to redirect the character after Stan's somewhat haphazard beginning. Marvel needed just a bit more time to digest the beginnings of Captain Marvel but they seemed to be in a hurry to get it on the stands.

    Rip Off

    1. You did a superior job on your "Live Kree or Die" posts, Rip! Your blog is usually my first stop every day, although, shame on me, I don't comment nearly as often as I want to! Great minds, baby! :D

    2. I'm flattered that you enjoyed the Mar-Vell series. I've been meaning to get around something like that for a long while. And I'm happy to welcome you over to he Dojo whenever ou can make it. This spot is on my morning rotation each and every day and there's always something of interest and often something I've forgotten about.

      Happy New Year!

      Rip Off

  2. Hi Groove, please tell me you are posting the next issue tomorrow!

    1. Look for CM #1 the last Monday in January...if all goes according to plan.

  3. Marvel Super-Heroes appeared out of nowhere as an anthology title with issue # 12 after being the all reprint Fantasy Masterpieces # 1 - 11. The next 9 issues were a wild romp through all kinds of concepts and features including the first appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy and an unpublished Spidey story with Andru/Everett art. The much missed Gene "the Dean" Colan was well represented in issues 12, 13 and 15. I loved the thick 25 centers with their mix of new stories and reprints, giving us features like the Phantom Eagle that have been with the Marvel Universe ever since. It's funny, the blurb at the end of the story points towards MSH #14. Instead we were given Captain Marvel # 1, a title which hung around for 62 issues and showcased such classics as Jim Starlin's cosmic run of the Thanos saga.

  4. Ohh... BTW.... Face front True Believers and boldly proclaim that the GREEN Marvel was the best Marvel uniform of all time. I dare someone to"Say Thee Nay!"

    1. I liked his uniform from issue # 16 on. I found the green one kind of clunky.
