Monday, May 15, 2017

Marvel-ous Mondays: "The Alien and the Amphibian!" by Thomas, Colan, and Colletta

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Back in the Groovy Age, it seemed to be a thing that somewhere around issues 3/4/5 the hero of the mag would get a visit by a groovy guest-star. For our favorite Space-Born Superhero,  it was Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner who showed up for the party! From Captain Marvel #4 (May 1968) here are Roy Thomas, Gene Colan, and Vinnie Colletta with an action-epic featuring..."The Alien and the Amphibian!"


  1. It's amazing how a moody artist like Gene Colan can draw such great fight scenes,

  2. Really great fight scene! Even Colette looks good here.

  3. I echo the sentiments about the art, but the proof-reading could've used some work...unless Namor really was that impressed that someone could avoid his "first" (top left panel of pg. 16).
