Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Grooviest Covers of All Time: Jim Aparo on Brave and the Bold

Jim Aparo's run on Brave and the Bold is indeed legendary. No matter what was going on in the other Batman comics, we could always count on Jim to keep the Batman (and his co-stars)looking cool and mysterious in the pages and on the covers of Brave and the Bold. Here are a few of Ol' Groove's personal faves...


  1. Loved all of the team-up titles of the '70s/early '80s at both Marvel and DC. They were ideal places to find enjoyable stories that weren't bogged down with the often complicated story arcs and running plot-lines of the 'main' titles. As you noted here, B&B was great because you could find some great art by Aparo, the best Batman artist in my opinion.
    As for great B&B covers, good picks, but you could probably pick any other five that are just as good. Here are my top 5, for what it's worth: 118, 170, 182, 196 & 197 (the latter is also my favorite single issue of B&B, even if the story inside was not drawn by Aparo).
    Another cover I would add here is #176, which, even if not drawn by Aparo, is awesome (I mean, how can you not like anything done by Kaluta?) Loved all of the team-up titles of the '70s/early '80s at both Marvel and DC. They were ideal places to find enjoyable stories that weren't bogged down with the often complicated story arcs and running plot-lines of the 'main' titles. As you noted here, B&B was great because you could find some great art by Aparo, the best Batman artist in my opinion.
    As for great B&B covers, good picks, but you could probably pick any other five that are just as good. Here are my top 5, for what it's worth: 118, 170, 182, 196 & 197 (the latter is also my favorite single issue of B&B, even if the story inside was not drawn by Aparo).
    Another cover I would add here is #176, which, even if not drawn by Aparo, is awesome (I mean, how can you not like anything done by Kaluta?)

  2. I've never read any of these comics, but I have been watching the show.

  3. Needless to say, I love 'em! #124 is my favorite comic of all time. Thanks for posting these beauties GA!!

  4. ouch! not sure what happened up there - I did click the "post comment" button more than once because my browser was slow that day (although I'm not sure why that would duplicate the text) - but anyway, sorry for the bloated double comment...

  5. Apology accepted HARVEY DENT.
