Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Grooviest Covers of All Time: Gene Colan's Captain America

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Last week we took a look at the stunning splash pages from Gene Colan's Groovy Age run on Captain America. This week, by popular demand, we'll be eyeballing the covers Genial Gene produced during his titanic tenure as Cap artist supreme. Onward!


  1. Looks like Romita re-worked Caps face on #117.

  2. Right about 117. And 120/129 both have Cap figures pretty much entirely redrawn by Marie Severin.

  3. The Colan/Wood issue deserves a look - and wasn't there a couple Colan/Everett's?

  4. what hurt Colens run was marvels foolish move to cut back on continued stories,resulting in a year or twos worth of mostly lack luster single issue stories.
