Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Funnies: Star Wars and Rocky Cracked by John Severin

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! How 'bout another heaping helping of hilarity, John Severin style? Just dig this pair of parodies from Cracked #'s 143 (cover-dated August 1977) and 146 (cover-dated November 1977)! Based on the two biggest movies of that year (nay, of all time!), here come "Rockey" and "Star-Warz"!


  1. I never realized that I'd always wanted to see the Star Wars characters drawn by John Severin until I actually saw it just now. In retrospect, it seems like such an obvious match...why did I never think of it?

  2. Rich, thanks so much for posting these excellent examples of John Severin's brilliance. I actually studied his drawings of the Star Wars gang rather than photos to try to get their likenesses. Thanks!
    David Miller
