Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Funnies: Nanny and the Professor

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! How many of you remember ABC's 1970/1971 TV show Nanny and the Professor? This slightly hipper version of Mary Poppins starred the ever-so-lovely and classy Juliet Mills and Richard Long (of The Big Valley fame) as the title characters, while kid-crush Kim Richards, David Doremus, and Trent Lehman played the demons-turned-darlings that only Nanny could control. The show was slight, sweet, and very kid-friendly, given a slightly supernatural edge thanks to Nanny's hinted-at-but-never-verified powers of ESP.

Dell Comics produced two issues of a Nanny and the Professor comic (May-July 1970), very nicely illustrated by future DC mainstay Jose Delbo. "The Tree Frog" is from ish #1. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever read *any* of Gold Key's early 70's sitcom-based books, so it was fun to get this exposure. I could almost hear the laugh track!
