Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Countdown to Halloween 2010! Black and White Wednesday: "Revenge of the Unliving" by Fox and Bernet

Salutations, my supernatural stalwarts! Today's fans know the legendary Jordi Bernet as the go-to artist on DC's incredible Jonah Hex mag. Thing is, Jordi's a master of most every genre, a multi-award-winning artist both in his native Europe and the U.S. Now, Ol' Groove's not sure, but I think this Gardner Fox-authored fear-fest from Marvel's Vampire Tales #1 (May 1973) just might be Jordi's U.S. debut. I can't find anything to back this up, but I can't find anything to disprove it (yet), either. Any Bernet experts out there who can help Ol' Groove out? Inquiring minds want to know! Meantime, dig this masterpiece of mood--" Revenge of the Unliving!"

1 comment:

  1. I've never read that story before! Robbins was a true master of the brush.
