Friday, December 24, 2010

12 Days of Christmas 2010! A Christmas Carol by Moench and D. Hands

Merry Christmas, Groove-ophiles! Christmas Eve 2010--who'da thunk? Here's wishing you all the best for the holidays and a great-big Dating Game style "mmmmm-wha!" for hanging out with Ol' Groove. To make this special day extra special, here's none other than Charles Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol from Marvel Classics Comics #36 (cover-dated 1978--I s'pose each ish was s'posed to stay on sale all year long...). The story was adapted by the mega-talented Doug Moench who did a heckuvva job condensing the whole novel into a mere 48 pages. The art is credited to Diverse Hands, which was a moniker (coined by Jim Shooter?) that meant the art-credit went to whatever army of Bullpenners was handy at the time. I'd love to know specifically who-did-what, but nailing it all down, especially the inks, is far beyond my meager skills. Mayhap there's a Groove-ophile out there who can help us out? Or even a Groovy Age Bullpenner or three who might have some first-hand knowledge?

Anyway, it's a fine adaptation of a tale cherished by millions. Enjoy, and again, Merry Christmas, Groove-ophiles!

1 comment:

  1. It looks as if most pages were pencilled or laid out by Dave Cockrum.
