Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Funnies: "Cracked Interviews the Power Company King" by Bill Ward

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! I don't know about where you live, but winter is coming on strong in Ol' Groove's neck of the woods. Of course, with cold weather comes high heating bills--but who wants to think about that? It's Sunday and we want our funnies! Well, here's artist Bill Ward (no credits for the author) at his silly (and sexy--dig those groovy chicks!) best stickin' it to the (power) man! From Cracked #141 (cover-dated May 1977) it's "Cracked Interviews the Power Company King"!


  1. Nanny Dickering was one of the best things about Cracked in the glory years. I used to think she might've been inspired by Loni Anderson (WKRP In Cincinnati), since that was around the time I first read Cracked. Too bad it was never in color.

  2. Nanny was around well before WKRP, hobbyfan--maybe SHE inspired LONI!
