Friday, April 22, 2011

Making a Splash: Paul Gulacy's Master of Kung Fu, Round Two

More Gulacy greatness, Groove-ophiles! Here's a heaping helping of innovative and gor-ge-ous splashes from Master of Kung Fu, issues 29-31, 33-35, 38-39 (for his earlier splashes click here).

More next week!


  1. Gorgeous! Who says that "widescreen storytelling" was invented by Bryan Hitch? No I want to re-read these.

    A met Francois Mouly professionally (art editor of the New Yorker and wife of Art Spiegelman) and instantly complimented her for her fine work-- as colorist for Master of Kung Fu during this era. She was impressed that I pulled that out.

  2. Now I remember why I loved MOKF as a boy/teen! WOW! We might have lost the great Bruce Lee way too young. But these books kept him alive to his fans. You could visualize him as Shangi-Chi every issue. Opening up a can of Kung Fu Fighting! Putting countless bad guys in body casts & much worse!

    Everybody was kung fu fighting! They were as fast as lighting! HHHhmmmm why does that sound so familar to me? Could I have heard that somewhere before? NNNnnnaaaa oh we'll it's too bad Marvel never had Shangi Chi fight & team up with Iron Fist & the White Tiger!

  3. Neat scans. Though I enjoy Gulacy's work, I know so little of this series, it's a treat to see these splash pages.

    "A met Francois Mouly professionally (art editor of the New Yorker and wife of Art Spiegelman) and instantly complimented her for her fine work-- as colorist for Master of Kung Fu during this era. She was impressed that I pulled that out."

    Matt, but none of these images have her credited as colorist, correct? Did she use a pen name? I'm a RAW fan, so that was a nice tidbit of trivia. Thanks.

  4. She took over as colorist shortly after these issues. She was credited as "F. Mouly" When we talked about it, she joked that it must have been her long lost evil twin Frank Mouly.

  5. Beautiful stuff! Dan Adkins was a perfect fit as inker for Gulacy, in my opinion. It's a shame he didn't stop with the series, even though Pablo Marcos was a worthy replacement.

    When are Marvel ever going to sort out the Sax Rohmer rights issues and release this in an Essentials volume?
