Monday, November 7, 2011

If You Blinked You Missed: DC's Three Musketeers

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! In the mid-70s, Alexandre Dumas' Three Musketeers made quite a comeback into pop-culture's consciousness. Thanks to two successful flicks (the first courtesy the Salkind's production company--future producers of the Christopher Reeve Superman films, both directed by Richard Lester, director of Superman II--okay, and Superman III), someone at DC decided that it would be a good idea to bring Athos, Porthos, and Aramis (with d'Artagnon in tow, natch) to four color life in the pages of their reprint mag, DC Special.

The first Musketeers tale appeared in DC Special #22 (March 1976) and was written by Denny O'Neil with art by Jorge Moliterni. "A Monster Met on the Road to Calais" was lively fun, doing a great job of whetting fandom's appetite for more Musketeers. Check it out!

The Musketeers appeared three more issues (DC Special #'s 23-25, May-September 1976), all three drawn by Golden and Silver Age great Lee Elias. Ish 23 was written by Bob Haney, while the final two appearances were scribed by longtime DC editor Murray Boltinoff. If ya'd like a peek at 'em, Groove-ophiles, just give a whistle! (And many thanks to HACSA and Grundy for the superb scans!)


  1. Would you believe how sad I was when the series was cancelled? I was crushed!

  2. It looks like Neal Adams & the Crusty Bunkers inked over / touched up Jorge Moliterni's work in #22 as they later did with the reprints of Esteban Maroto's Zero Patrol at Continuity.

  3. Definitely some Dick Giordano inks on faces in there....
