Friday, April 20, 2012

Scarier than Doing Your Taxes Week! Groove's Faves: "The Raven" by Poe and Corben

We're winding down with Scarier than Doing Your Taxes Week, Groove-ophiles, and we're ending with a biiiiig question.  Why did we need Classics Illustrated when we had Rich Corben doing adaptations like Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" in Comix International #2 (1975, reprinted from Creepy #67, October 1974)?


  1. Rich Corben's wonderful artwork. It almost appeared animated at times! Loved his work for Warren, whether it was horror,sci-fi or his beautiful women.

  2. Classic Corben story, and one you can actually show the whole family!

    Hope you'll post the three "Child" stories that he did for Warren's EERIE magazine with scripters Greg Potter and Budd Lewis.


  3. I've been mulling over the possibility of running the "Child" stories, Chris. Anyone else interested in seeing 'em?

    1. Please post them. That series has haunted me since I snuck looks at Eerie magazine when I was a kid. Thanks.
