Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Groove's Faves: "The Astonishing Arch Enemy" by O'Neil and Beck

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Yesterday we took a look at Marvel Comics playing around with the Original Captain Marvel's mythos by introducing Mr. Dr. Mynde into their space-born Captain Marvel's mythos. Today let's look at the real Dr. Mr. Mind being updated for the 70s at DC Comics three months later in Shazam #2 by Denny O'Neil and Original Captain Marvel co-creator C.C. Beck.

Still wonder how different Marvel was from DC back in the early part of the Groovy Age, baby?


  1. Hey Groovster!
    I've always been a huge fan of Shazam/the Original Capt.Marvel.I always wondered What If Jack Kirby had revamped/updated Capt.Marvel in 1971 or 73. Imagine if Darkseid & Kirby's Fourth world had been directly tied into the CM universe. I was going to write a article on this for Kirby Collector.

    But they lost interest in it. I had plans to have Ron Frenz in his best Kirby style do a series of updated Capt.Marvel villians. Inked by Joe Sinnott. If you go to the CAF/Comics Art Fan website. Look up Shazam/Ron Frenz it should come up.If u care to check out a two pg spread I had them do.

  2. I was always puzzled by Marvel's creepy squint. I just noticed today that it looks like David Puddy's squint!

  3. If only DC had just let Beck run loose on the revival...
