Monday, November 26, 2012

Groove's Faves: "Fight Without Pity" by Moench, Gulacy, and Adkins

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Let's kung-fu kick off this week with a far-out, hardcore Master of Kung Fu action epic! It's writer Doug Moench and artist Paul Gulacy (co-plotting this time) firing on all cylinders (aided by Dan Adkins' awesome inks) with..."Fight Without Pity" from Master of Kung Fu #39 (January 1976).


  1. Great stuff. All Marvel needs to do now is alter the lettering from Fu Manchu to the Yellow Claw (and change the names of some supporting characters) and they could reprint the series. Wouldn't that be nice?

  2. Hey Groovy One!
    I always loved this series the art was beautiful. Every time I'd read these I'd think of Bruce Lee mopping up the floor with some punks. As well as hear Kung Fu Fighting playing in my head! LOL it's a real shame Bruce Lee died so young. He would had been a great stunt man for a Spider-Man movie! Or starred in a MoKF movie. And stunt choregrapher for a Iron Fist movie
