Friday, May 24, 2013

Making a Splash: R.I.P. Jesse Santos

Sad to report that Ol' Groove recently learned of Jesse Santos'  passing on April 27 at the age of 83. Santos was the artist/co-creator of Gold Key's Groovy Age hits Dagar the Invincible and Dr. Spektor, two books yers trooly totally digs. I thought admiring Santos' swingin' Dagar splash pages would make for a nice tribute, so here ya go, baby!

(Sorry I'm missing the splash for ish 14, but maybe the inclusion of Gold Key Spotlight #6's splash will make up for it?)


  1. Thanks Groove, I missed out on all those Gold Key issues though I do have an issue of Dagar somewhere. His art, in some places, reminds me a bit of Alex Nino but those splash pages really are terrific!

  2. I'm not really familar with him. But I do remember his art. Did he also draw the Twilight Zone & or Outer Limits comics also? Sad all these super talent people of our youths are leaving us. Sigh! R.I.P. Mr.Santos

  3. Sadly, another master has passed on. RIP Mr Santos!

    - Mike from Trinidad & Tobago.

  4. Great tribute - he was a great artist...

  5. You have so many Dagar comics? Lucky dude!!
