Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Groove's Faves: "Tell-Tale Heart" by Poe, Goodwin, and Crandall

One of the greatest crime/horror stories in all of literature is Edgar Allan Poe's "Tell-Tale Heart". This classic has been adapted into nearly every entertainment medium--more than once--and probably will continue to worm its way into the popular consciousness for...perhaps...ever. Here's a classic comicbook version by Archie Goodwin and Reed Crandall. These scans come from Comix International #4 (1976), but the story was first published in black and white in Creepy #3 in 1965.


  1. That's some real nice artwork by Crandall - which, I'm sure, looks much better in black and white.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, the last panel on page 3 (the light hitting the old man's eye) was later used as the cover art for a record album of spoken-word stories by Poe that was sold by Warren's in-house merchandising company, The Captain Company, in the back pages of the Warren magazines.
