Monday, October 13, 2014

Our Pal Sal: "Firefall!" by Mantlo and Buscema

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! We're gonna kick this week off with Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema's "Firefall!" from ROM, Spaceknight #3 (November 1979). Action, dire wraiths, and a new hero/villain wearing Spaceknight armor! Is it any wonder we loved ROM so much, Groove-ophiles? Especially when you consider Our Pal Sal's action-packed, emotional art! And dig that Frank Miller/Terry Austin cover!


  1. As always, thanks for posting this, Groove.
    I know it's been said before on the internets many times, but I just have to note what a labor of love Rom (apparently pretty lame toy in "real life") was for both Mantlo and Sal. It's no wonder the series got popular enough to have a very respectable, 70+ issue run.

  2. Firefall spaceknight Archie Stryker custom figure
