Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Groove's Faves: "The Memory Machine" by Conway, Newton, and Adkins

Check it out, Groove-ophiles! "The Memory Machine" from Return of the New Gods #17 (January 1978), by Gerry Conway, Don Newton, and Dan Adkins gives us some cool background into the childhoods of both Orion and Jezebelle! And dig that Jim Starlin cover!


  1. These stories need to be collected. I can think of no good reason why they haven't been. Don Newton is a sufficiently fan-fave artist and there are many in the New Gods fan base who might like a look at this first non-Kirby version of the characters.

    Rip Off

  2. I never thought Newton was right for the New Gods, though I thought he was brilliant on the Phantom. There was a similar stylistic switch when the Beck/Schaffenberger Shazam series was briefly drawn by Alan Weiss, which for some weird reason worked magnificently (for me, anyway). And of course Don Newton was pretty much born to draw Shazam.
