Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Decent Comics: "The Attack of the Underlord!" by Levitz, Staton, and Layton

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Time to rock and roll with another JSA mini-spectacular by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Bob Layton! "The Attack of the Underlord" (from All Star Comics #67, April 1977) gives plenty of the spotlight to Power Girl--and rightfully so, since she's the cream in the coffee that kept us coming back to All Star Comics! Funny thing, though--this issue's villains, the Underlord and his minions, are supposed to come from Middle Earth...but there's nary a Hobbit in sight! Oh, well...
Cover art by Al Milgrom and Jack Abel

Oh, those wonderful Groovy Age printing plates...

1 comment:

  1. Every Levitz/Staton/Layton JSA issue shows how good this team was, along with their later Huntress feature.
