Monday, March 13, 2017

Marvel-ous Mondays: "Flesh May Wither...and Stone May Crumble!" by Wolfman, Kane, and Nebres

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Here's Chapter 8 of Marv Wolfman and Gil Kane's "Air Pirates of Mars" storyline from John Carter Warlord of Mars #8 (October 1977). "Flesh May Wither...and Stone May Crumble!" is our star-crossed planetary romance issue, starting with some frolicking fun and action with John Carter and Dejah Thoris, and ending with the tragedy of supporting characters Kantos Kan and Lyssia. More meaty action, including a cool and creepy basilisk-type monster is layered in there, too. And the inks, natch, are by Rudy Nebres. Enjoy!


  1. Have you done the one issue fill-in by Dave Cockrum yet (I believe it was # 11)? Seeing him teamed with Rudy Nebres made for an interesting, but visually appealing combination.

    1. You got it, keythd23!
