Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Decent Comics: "The Doom That Came to K'Dasha-Dheen" by Michelinie and and Chan

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Time to get out our swords and lay down some sorcery with David Michelinie, Ernie Chan (under his "Chua" pen-name), and Claw the Unconquered! For more info on Claw, read this post (featuring Claw ish #1) from way back in 2009! Right now, though, it's time to read..."The Doom That Came to K'Dasha-Dheen" from Claw the Unconquered #2 (April 1975)!


  1. An enjoyable read !!... and have a pleasant week....

  2. Groove! Here's my vote that you continue running these CLAW adventures... and more often than every nine years! How about every nine days instead? Thanks!

  3. DC was trying so hard to replicate any success Marvel was having. But despite the great Ernie Chua/Chan artwork, Claw was no Conan.
