Thursday, March 29, 2018

Funny Stuff: "Seeing Stars" by Joe Edwards

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Ya know, we haven't talked about Li'l Jinx here on the Diversions, and that needs rectified! Ol' Groove doesn't remember reading an Archie comic during the Groovy Age without a Li'l Jinx short in it. They were always good for a giggle, with creator Joe Edwards' stories and art always displaying a special Archie Comics house-style charm. Being a teacher by profession and having taken many students on field trips to planetariums, I can especially relate to Pep #229 (March 1969) and Jinx's tale of "Seeing Stars!"


  1. Lil Jinx high jinks! Did Groove! I'm reading and eating while I enjoy my lunch!

  2. How many comic books have you taken away from students over the years?

  3. I love how you mix genres on this blog instead of concentrating soley on superheroes.
