Monday, May 28, 2018

Marvel-ous Monday: "Marak!" by Kirby and Royer

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! We have more of the History of Mankind as seen through the cosmic sensibilities of Jack "King" Kirby, ably abetted by inker/letterer Mike Royer. "Marak!" gives us an action packed history lesson on the development of weapons and warfare--and somehow these things lead to the greatest invention of all! What is it? Peel back the cover of 2001: A Space Odyssey #3 (November 1976) and see for yourself, pilgrim!


  1. He created the Big Wheel! I've got some scans of the Eternals by Kirby if you'd like to post them here?

  2. Wild stuff! It would be interesting to see what Stanley Kubrick & Arthur C. Clarke would have thought of this. A very different take from the film story.

    Didn't Machine Man come out of this?

    Chris A.

    1. Yes originally called x-51 & Mister Machine. In 2001 #8-#10 the last issues.
