Friday, March 13, 2020

A Cacophonous Collection of Captivating Coolness Calculated to Corral Your Consciousness!

Hey, Kids! Comics from 50 Years Ago!
March 10 & 12, 1970

Groovy Age Splash Page of the Week

Groovy Age Spotlight On... Thirteen #13s for the Thirteenth!

1 comment:

  1. I had a coverless copy of that Scooby Doo issue, The Miniature Haunt, since I was a young kid. It took me a few years to really appreciate how good a story it was (it was an original story and not an adaptation of one of the episodes), and even longer to appreciate Mark Evanier (writer) and Dan Spiegle (artist), especially on their later work on things like Crossfire and Blackhawk.
