Saturday, January 9, 2010

Byrne-ing to Read: Doomsday +1 #2

It's been a while since we grooved to some early John Byrne science fantasy. Doomsday +1 never failed to thrill, baby. Take, for example, issue #2 (June 1975), written by Joe Gill. Woolly mammoths! Robots! Mad scientists! Jet planes! It's a veritable feast for the eyes and imagination!


  1. i picked up DOOMSDAY +1 when it first came out. i dug it mostly for the byrne art. were all the issues ever collected in to any kind of trade format?
    if not, someone should.

  2. I loved this series as a kid (and still really enjoy it!), but then I was a hardcore Byrne junkie by the time I discovered it. Unfortunately, confusion over who owns what rights from this period of Charlton history means it probably won't be collected anytime soon (see Comic Book Artist #12 for details).

