Friday, July 15, 2011

Diggin' Ditko: "The Magnet of Magento" by Gill and Ditko!

Hoo-hah! What better way to cap off a week than with some classic Steve Ditko sci-fi, Groove-ophiles? This Joe Gill scripted shocker is from Charlton's Space Adventures #5 (October 1968). Are you ready, baby? We're gettin' ready to blast off, but before we go remember the immortal words of the late, great Jim Croce: "You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger and you don't mess with 'The Magnet of Magento'!" ...Or somethin' like that!

Wonder if Sturdy Steve got paid double for that splash-page-that-became-a-cover? Or was it a cover-that-became-a-splash-page? Hmmmmmmm...

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