Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Black and White Wednesday: Marvel M-AD-ness, FOOM Style

Check it out, Groove-ophiles! Here's a passel of awesome advertisements from the pages of FOOM Magazine! Most of these items were available to FOOM members only, while others were available to all, but discounted for Friends Of Ol' Marvel! Didja get your paws on any of these pulse-pounding products?


  1. Can you imagine, all those great Neal Adams posters for 2 bucks??

  2. The idea of the comic saver box was by Jim Steranko and he drew all the superheroes on it. My brother and I were talking to him at Comic Con this year at San Diego. It was great talking with him; Steranko was hillarious.

  3. I loved the Spider Man : From Beyond the Grave record album. I must have played it a hundred times and was hoping there would be more...never came to pass though. It was the ultimate 70's collectors item.
