Monday, June 27, 2016

Groove's Faves: "Masks" by Moench, Zeck, and Tartaglione

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Mike Zeck fans, rejoice! Today we're gonna check out a rare and totally far-out Hulk outing by the incredible Mr. Z. from The Hulk! #16 (June 1979)! "Masks" is a pretty cool little morality play written by the amazing Doug Moench. It's an action-packed epic involving a search for treasure in a sunken Spanish galleon, which takes Lettuce Lips from New Orleans to the Florida swamps, and along the way pits our gamma-irradiated hero against a unique mad scientist, an alligator, a manta, and even a mutated octopus! Inked by John Tartaglione and colored (in Super Marvelcolor!) by Steve Oliff, 'tis definitely one of the best issues of Ol' Jade Jaws' full-color magazine!


  1. I was nuts about The Hulk! mag back in the day, and this was one of the best stories for sure. Marvel Color was such a glorious thing, and Zeck should've been a regular Hulk artist.

  2. This issue of The Hulk! illustrates the talent of Mike Zeck and how the magazine format can be used to best effect. Love the colors. What a lush work of art.
