7 Things About Ol' Groove You Might Find Interesting (round, what? 3? Really, I ain't that interesting, man...)
- As a kid, I wanted to be a comicbook artist, even going so far as to create my own comics (on typing paper). I actually still have 'em and have been threatening to scan 'em one'a these days...
- From the time I was at least 3, I bought comics now and then. Avengers #88 hooked me on comics for life and turned "now and then" into "every time I left the house."
- To answer the ages-old question, "Betty or Veronica?" Betty, no contest.
- I once won a No-Prize (Captain Marvel #36), only to have someone else win a No-Prize four months later (Captain Marvel #38) for proving that I was wrong. The bully. I was only 10 years old...
- I entered FOOM's "Create a Character" contest. They didn't print my entry ("Eagle Boy"), but they did print my name in FOOM #3.
- I am not Jonathan Gilbert. He's been my pal for over 20 years and I run his blogs for him, but we are two separate entities.
- I am going to be a grandfather in December! (Saved the best for last.)
My Kreativ Blogger nominees are (in no particular order):
- Crom!
- Bronze Age Babies
- Steve Does Comics
- Kingdom Kane
- Blog Into Mystery
- Comics Bronze Age
- Booksteve's Library
ITEM! Enuff about me! COMICS! Here's my opening shot at yet another sometimes-series, Jack Kirby's Greatest Hits! This feature is just what the title says--King Kirby drawing powerful pics of someone punching the living daylights outta someone else. No one, and I mean no one, could make a shot in the kisser (or gut or wherever) look more dynamic than Jolly Jack. This round we're looking at some of the greatest Captain America punch-outs from the tail-end of his run in Tales of Suspense. Dig it, baby!