In Brave and the Bold #118 (January, 1975) by the B&B team supreme of Bob Haney and Jim Aparo, the Joker has infected the entire population of Sparta Prison with a deadly disease. The only cure rests in a little dog used for lab tests...a dog which the Clown Prince of Crime has captured and is holding hostage. In order to try to rescue the dog, the Batman and Wildcat must submit to the Joker's twisted whim for them to...fight to the death!
We'll send you now to your ring announcer...the Joker!

Didja plant your peepers on those gloves, fans? Ouch! Those are gonna leave a mark! And here's the bell!

Whoa, momma! Double K.O.! Of course, at about this time, the little dog, Spot, bites the Joker and escapes. The Batman rounds up Spot and the Joker, Wildcat makes short work of the Joker's thugs, the doctors use Spot to find a cure, and we all live to fight another day! See you next time, fans!