In this cornah--at 6' 7" and weighing 415 lbs., wearing gray armor and a green hood...Dr. Victor von Doom!

And the challengah--at 6' 1" and weighing 195 lbs., wearing purple armor and a--er--red skull--the Red Skull!

And here's the bell!

Boy, that Skull is sneaky! A rocket-sled for aerial attacks and stun mines underground! How will even Doom overcome such strategy, fans?

Wow! The Skull should've known Doom would have something up his armored sleeve! If losing his rocket-sled isn't bad enough--

OUCH! That's gonna leave a mark!!

Doom has the Skull on the ropes! He should move in for the kill, but--no, he'd rather taunt than fight! Ya better close in before he gets back on his feet, Doomsy...

For a master strategist, Skull just made a baaaaaaaad mistake! You don't burn Doom on his looks--it only makes him mad!!

Oookay! Maybe the Skull's strategy wasn't so far off the mark, fans! He's got Doom hurt and cornered! Here comes the coup de grace...

That Doom has more lives than a cat--and more gadgets than Tony Stark! The battle is back on!! Hand-to-hand, the battle should belong to Doom...

Yep! The Skull has nowhere near Doom's strength, so it's no surprise when the "hand of Doom" strikes...

Don'tcha just love it when our bashful brawlers explain what they're doing as they do it? That one was for the Department of Redundancy Department!
But, anyway... Ya reckon the Skull has some kind of shovel built into that nutty armor of his?

Guess not! And here's your winnah--DR. DOOM--by a (dare I say it?) landslide! (Ouch!)

See ya next time, brawl buffs!
One of my favorite Cockrum covers (great Dr. Doom).Did not get this one off the stand, but in a bagged set at KayBee Toys. Doom by a landslide...good stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat was one of the very first comics I ever had.
ReplyDeletePurchased in one of those "multi-pack" baggies as the local 5-and-dime.
Those were the days.
After lurking since the beginning of this year I feel it's a good time to comment. I bought that comic when I was a kid, and it's good to know that the badassery has stood the test of time!
As formidable as the Skull is he is out of his league against the likes of Dr. Doom and Magneto who both kicked his ass and left him for dead.
ReplyDeleteThis further illustrates that Skull is not respected amongst his fellow villains-Doom, Magneto, the Kingpin are good examples.
Perhaps they will make Norman Osborn also kick the Red Skull's ass as well very soon.
Its due to PIS Red Skull loses. Red Skull kills. Meaning many heroes and villains have died.An alternate reality called What if: House of M: No More Powers. Red skull removes every heroes powers, and made the villains helpless. http://marvelthailandfan.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/041313_1326_whatifhouse9.jpg?w=627
DeleteIts called bad writing. Marvel plays favorites. http://marvelthailandfan.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/041313_1326_whatifhouse7.jpg?w=627