Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Today's post digs up yet another far-out tale from the
Files of the Forgotten, the scintillating sequel to Elliot S! Maggin's legendary "What Can One Man Do?" from
Green Lantern/Green Arrow #87 (September 1971). That tale, based on a term paper Maggin had written his junior year of college, catapulted the young writer into super-stardom, landing him a permanent place in editor Julie Schwartz's stable where he'd become a semi-regular on
Superman, Action, and other DC comics. Lots of folks remember that story because of its stark-realism, superbly illustrated by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano. I know it really grabbed Young Groove,
Green Arrow's experience in a race-riot and struggle with whether or not to serve as Star City's mayor forced me to think about things like tolerance, justice, and public service. It's been reprinted many times, most recently in one of DC's mammoth
Showcase editions. 'Tis the definition of a classic.
Few, sadly, remember Maggin's stunning sequel, "Nothing but a Man" from
World's Finest #255 (November 1978), in which
G.A. (as Oliver Queen, natch) finally does run for mayor. Again, the story is superbly written, fraught with realism and pathos, thought-provoking, and yes, painful in its frankness. While the art by a teen-aged Trevor Von Eeden packed a punch, much of the realism was drained from it by Vinnie Colletta's feathery, cartoony inks. If a 20-something Von Eeden had drawn this baby, t'would have definitely made fandom stand up and take notice. Still, "Nothing but a Man" deserves much more attention that it will ever get. And here's why...