It's about time Ol' Groove's first fave Marvel artist, Our Pal Sal Buscema got his own semi-regular feature, don'tcha think? And what better way to kick it off than with this sci-fi romp from
Incredible Hulk Annual #5 (1976)? Yeah, that's right, besides drawing the monthly adventures of the
Hulk, the Defenders, Skull the Slayer, Marvel Team-Up, and Odin knows what else, Sal also found the time to pencil this 35 page spectacular plotted by Len Wein and dialogued by Chris Claremont. While Jack Abel wasn't my fave inker over Sal's pencils (he wasn't bad, and there were far, far worse), the sheer force and power of Sal's layouts come smashing through here. What really turns Ol' Groove on about Sal's work on "And Six Shall Crush the Hulk!" is how he manages to totally capture the look and feel of Kirby's Atlas-era monsters without ever ripping off the King's style. Sal "got" Kirby like few artists ever have--and here's 35 pages to prove it!

Speaking of Jack Kirby--dig that cover, baby!