Monday, July 20, 2015

Micronauts Monday: "Defeat!" by Mantlo, Golden, and Milgrom

This is it, Groove-ophiles! The penultimate chapter in the Micronauts' war against Baron Karza! It's always darkest before the dawn, they say, but for whom does that darkness fall? Only Bill Mantlo, Michael Golden, Al Milgrom, Ol' Groove, and the thousands of Marvellites who read it back in the Groovy Age know for sure! Now you can find out, too, in "Defeat!" from Micronauts #10 (July 1979)!

1 comment:

  1. I have an almost complete of this series. I never had the toys this series was based on, but I remember being obsessed with this series. I don't remember the whole saga, but I do remember Michael Golden's art, it was distinctive, and it was the main draw for me. (No shade to Mantlo) Al Milgrom was my favorite artist as a kid on his West Coast Avengers run in the 1980s. It's cool of you to put a spotlight on comic treasures like this.



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Special thanks to Mike's Amazing World of Comics and Grand Comics Database for being such fantastic resources for covers, dates, creator info, etc. Thou art treasures true!

Note to "The Man": All images are presumed copyright by the respective copyright holders and are presented here as fair use under applicable laws, man! If you hold the copyright to a work I've posted and would like me to remove it, just drop me an e-mail and it's gone, baby, gone.

All other commentary and insanity copyright GroovyAge, Ltd.

As for the rest of ya, the purpose of this blog is to (re)introduce you to the great comics of the 1970s. If you like what you see, do what I do--go to a comics shop, bookstore, e-Bay or whatever and BUY YOUR OWN!